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Tag Archív: Finančná re

Gibraltár – Nektan sa teší z rekordného rastu výnosov v B2B

Nektan saw its revenue rise 5.9 per cent for the third quarter of its financial year ending 30 June with the B2B division reporting record growth and revenues. The B2C experienced a decline in KPIs, due to a number of factors impacting FTDs and deposits, including seasonality, increased UK regulation around player marketing and verifications…

Japonsko – Sands zostáva istá japonskou licenciou

Las Vegas Sands remains confident that it is well positioned to win one of the three casino licences in Japan due not only to the success of its existing Integrated Resorts in Asia but also due to its CEO ties to Japan. Speaking during the company’s second-quarter earnings call, Sands’ CEO Sheldon Adelson said: “Everybody,…

USA – Ostrov Capri v treťom štvrťroku stúpol

Miestny trh v Severnej Amerike by sa mohol vrátiť späť, pretože Isle of Capri vykázal čisté výnosy za tretí štvrťrok o 7.5 percenta na 241.1 milióna USD v porovnaní s 224.2 milióna USD v predchádzajúcom štvrťroku. Virginia McDowell, prezidentka a výkonná riaditeľka spoločnosti, povedala: „Za posledných 18 mesiacov sme zaviedli komplexné prevádzkové zmeny…