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Tag Archív: Čile

Enjoy oznamuje zmenu predstavenstva

Henry Comber has stepped down from the board of directors and as President from the Enjoy Board, as have directors Aldo Lema, Jorge Lesser, Fernando Rioseco, and Ana María Orrellana. According to local newspaper Diario Financiero Comber chose not to seek re-election as he chairs Euroamérica, a company that is a creditor of Enjoy. Jorge…

Čile – Valmar Group súhlasí so získaním podielu Clairvest v kasínach Marina del Sol

The Valmar group, owned by the Imschenetzky family , announced on Tuesday that they had agreed to purchase all of Clairvest’s stake in Marina del Sol, which operates casinos in Talcahuano, Chillán, Calama, and Osorno, as reported by La Tercera. According to their 2022 annual report, Toronto-based private equity management firm Clairvest controls 50 per cent…

Čile – Ekonomický výbor Senátu schválil online návrh zákona

The Senate Economics Committee unanimously approved in general the bill regulating the development of online betting platforms in Chile (Bulletin No. 14838-03). The objectives of the bill are to generate a competitive market, taking into account other forms of currently legal gambling such as lottery draws, the lottery (Polla Chilena de Beneficencia) and horse racing…

SJC vedie stretnutie o nelegálnom hazarde v regióne Valparaíso

The Superintendence of Casino Games (SCJ) held a training session on illegal gambling in Chile leading an in-person session with officials from various levels of the government in the Valparaíso region, aimed at preventing unauthorized slot machines. The event was attended by public officials, Carabineros (the Chilean national law enforcement gendarmerie) and the Investigations Police of the…

Enjoy hlási straty vo výške 90 miliárd dolárov

Enjoy SA zverejnila svoje finančné výkazy za posledný štvrťrok 2023, pričom k 89.789. decembru 31 vykázala stratu pripísateľnú vlastníkom materskej spoločnosti CLP vo výške 2023 miliardy USD, čím sa prehĺbil negatívny zostatok z 57.444 miliardy USD v predchádzajúcom roku. Spoločnosť pripísala túto situáciu niekoľkým faktorom, vrátane nižšieho EBITDA vygenerovaného v roku 2023…

Dreams hlási zdvojnásobenie zisku v roku 2023

Dreams ohlásil nárast svojich ziskov. Výsledky na konci roku 2023 oznámené Komisii pre finančný trh (CMF) vzrástli o 53 percent, pričom vzrástli zo 17.317 miliardy USD (19 miliónov USD) v roku 2022 na 26.538 miliardy USD (30 miliónov USD). Výnosy kasína a hotelovej spoločnosti vzrástli, ale v menšej miere, keď pridali 11 percent…

SJC uzatvára fázu ponukového konania na dve licencie kasína

The Superintendence of Casinos of Chile (SCJ) has announced that the stage of submitting technical and economic bids for the granting of licenses for a casino in Castro and another licence in the city Coyhaique has concluded. Castro is located on Chiloé Island in the Los Lagos Region of southern Chile and is the capital city…

Čile – Enjoy dostáva ponuky aktív po januárovom oznámení o reštrukturalizácii

After Enjoy announced in January that it was going through another restructuring the company has now announced that it is receiving offers for its assets, both in Chile and in Uruguay. “The Company has received and is currently analyzing expressions of interest and offers for assets (gaming casino operations, hotels, and real estate assets) in…

Zákonodarcovia sa ešte raz pozreli na návrh zákona o online hazardných hrách Čile

Chile’s online gambling bill was the subject of further debate last week after the Senate’s Economic Commission resumed its analysis of the proposed bill. Specially invited to this session were the General Manager of the Concepción Lottery,  Mario Parada; the Regulatory Deputy Director of the  Internal Revenue Service (SII), Simón Ramírez and Director of the…