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Tag Archív: Športové stávky

Brazília – zasadnutie Národného kongresu o prezidentskom vete bolo odložené

The session of the National Congress that would have analyzed President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva‘s vetoes to proposals approved by the Legislature was cancelled due to a lack of agreement among party leaders. The joint meeting between federal deputies and senators, scheduled for Wednesday night (April 24), was rescheduled to take place between May…

Brazílske ministerstvo financií oznamuje nové pravidlá pre platobné metódy a platby

The Ministry of Finance’s Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) published Regulatory Ordinance SPA/MF No. 615 on April 18, 2024, outlining the general rules to be followed in payment transactions carried out by fixed-odds betting operators. The ordinance is part of a set of regulations aimed at regulating the activities of fixed-odds betting operators in…

Ministerstvo financií vyzýva na koordináciu štátnych predpisov o športových stávkach v Brazílii

Počas 192. riadneho zasadnutia Národnej rady pre fiškálnu politiku (Confaz), ktoré sa konalo vo Fortaleze, Ceará, Dario Durigan, výkonný tajomník ministerstva financií, navrhol vytvorenie novej pracovnej skupiny v rámci rady na prerokovanie štátnych predpisov pre šport stávkovanie. Podľa tlačovej správy Confaz: „Koordinácia medzi federálnymi subjektmi...

Brazília – Loterj udeľuje viac licencií uprostred rastúcej kontroverzie

The State Lottery of Rio de Janeiro (Loterj) has opened a new deadline for betting companies to participate in a new bidding process to obtain a license in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Sports betting houses that wish to operate regularly in the territory of the state have 30 days, starting from April 12,…

V Brazílii sa začína vyšetrovanie o opravách zápasov v Senáte

The Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) on Sports Betting (CPiae) has been established. Senator Romário was chosen as the rapporteur. The presidency and vice-presidency were taken by Senators Jorge Kajuru and Eduardo Girão respectively. At the first meeting, the members made it clear that the objective of the commission is to “get to the bottom of…

Spor o lotériu Brazília – Rio de Janeiro môže skončiť na Najvyššom súde

On Friday (5th April) the Rio de Janeiro Lottery (Loterj) decided not to respond to a request from the Ministry of Finance regarding the issue of offering sports betting outside of state borders. According to local press the issue could as a result end up in Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF). Loterj has authorized four online betting…

Príjmy z online športového stávkovania v New Yorku vzrástli v roku 21 o 2023 percent

New York’s online sports betting revenue reached $1.76bn in 2023, up 20.6 per cent, with bettors in the Empire State placing $19.64bn of online bets, up 19.8 per cent from last year’s figure. The market was once again led by FanDuel and DraftKings. FanDuel processed $8.10bn in online bets producing revenue of $845.8m whilst DraftKings…

Viktoriánski stávkujúci budú lepšie informovaní na základe jasnejších a spravodlivejších vyhlásení o aktivite hráčov

Majitelia viktoriánskych stávkových účtov teraz uvidia svoje skutočné výdavky a straty podľa nových štandardov, ktoré špecifikujú, ako musia byť tieto informácie zobrazené na výpisoch o aktivite hráčov. Tieto zmeny prichádzajú po tom, čo viktoriánska komisia pre kontrolu hazardných hier a kasín (VGCCC) analyzovala vzorové vyhlásenia o aktivite u viacerých poskytovateľov a zistila nezrovnalosti v tom, ako boli informácie…

Zákonodarcovia by mohli rozhodnúť o Lulovom vete v apríli

The President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, stated that Congress could be able to convene in a joint session to decide on the 28 presidential vetoes pending analysis in April. The list includes President Lula’s vetoes to Law 14,790. The law was sanctioned and published in the Official Gazette of the Union on December 30,…